Friday, 27 February 2015

Pop-Up Library

One of my targets this year is to set up a pop-up library that travels from site to site. We serve several sites but only have two physical libraries. I believe it is important for staff based where there is no Library to feel there is still a Library presence there. To this end, I reached out to other health librarians to find out if they have done anything similar and how they accomplished their goal. This brought up a lot of ideas as well as interest from others who would like to do the same. I complied a summary of responses for the mailing list (LIS-Medical) and also got a contact from someone who is interested in collaborating as we proceed.

The most important advice to me was to liaise with the telecommunications department of the Trust for publicity. Sending out constant reminders about when the pop-up library will be available and putting up posters.
  • Choose prime spots for visibility - there was a recurring theme of receptions and canteens. 
  • Put up a banner so that people know immediately who you are and what is going on as they go past. We already have our banner sorted.
  • Send out email alerts on the day to drum up business.
  • Bring as much of the service with you as possible -Library management system, registrations forms, guides, leaflets etc.
  • Supply promotional items if available e.g. pens.
  • Be prepared to give quick training sessions on the spot.
  • Don't be discouraged if it takes a while to take off.
I think one the advantages of the pop-up library will be gaining customer satisfaction from users knowing the service is physically available to them. It is a profile raiser and will hopefully serve to help busy readers who can't make it to the Library. Throw a couple of literature searches and IT glitches into the mix and you have the general idea of what my week has been like.
(c) Image Creative Commons - Aaron Landry

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Return to work

After 10 months away on maternity, I return to find myself almost completely cut off from anything library related. Thankfully I had kept my professional memberships and subscriptions and the steady receipt of bulletins kept me up to date with what was going on in the wider professional network. Needless to say, it has been a shock to the system although it is nice to finally have some routine back in my daily life. My first week was full of all the trials of lost passwords, blocked keycards and other access issues which was topped off by the news that there will be changes to the interface for NHS Evidence as well as changes to HDAS.

There is a lot for me to catch up on and I am making participation in the wider professional network my focus for 2015. I have joined the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) and I will be attending the University Health & Medical Librarians Group Spring Forum on the 6th of March kindly funded by my department. The forum focuses on the evolving roles and skills for librarians in healthcare which is the exact situation I find myself in. I am convinced that the programme of events which deals a lot with the NHS framework will serve well in bringing me up to speed on all I have missed as well as help me generate ideas on how best to adapt to my role as it evolves. I look forward to giving a report on how the event goes and all I learn there.
(c) Image Creative Commons - laura redburn